Shoo, cold weather!
Well, it's been a month since the Chevy graced this house with its presence. Over the weekend we spent some time re-tidying the front of the house... um, I take it this is a sign it'll be a few weeks yet until it's repaired. Various bits of our front window and the truck's headlight are being collected & shrined by Mom for some sinister intention yet unknown to me. She also took the bent window screen and nailed it to the plywood. It and the "No Parking" sign, now attatched with duct tape, make quite the statement.
Um, there's a hole in my sock. Here I've poked my needles through what decent stitches I could find...
But nothing since then as I'm actually not sure that it's worth fixing. Not that I'm a lazybutt or anything, but it's more fun to make socks from wool and needle felt patches onto the holes. About needle felting, I've got some other oddiddiddities about that to post later this week.
Hotknits is back! Let's all buy yarn in celebration.
The sweater isn't finished,
Joeli, so nyah. No progress on one sleeve; the other is past the elbow. The body is... I have no idea. Hmm.
In other strange news, ever wondered if you tape together a bunch of yarn labels? Something like this -
Oooh, with a wonky flash, tape can be shiny. Shiny....
Anyways, I'd hoarded a bunch of yarn labels two summers ago for this intention. Quite a few more recent additions have worked their way into the pile, but it's mainly Red Heart.
As great as yarn labels can be, I still have a better sign next to it. Its awesomeness cannot be contained within an inline picture, so y'all will have to
jump through my hoops to see it.
Maybe those weren't hoops and it's not that awesome. Still, humour me, will ya?
Delayed Comment award goes to Alex for his
commenting on a post from last September. Curses for reminding me that I have knit neither the watermelon hat nor the dangling bunny hat. Über-curses for provoking me to pine for the beach yet again.
From summer 2002, a picture I took of Surfside Beach -
So the sand isn't pristine white like at Pensacola. The ocean isn't exactly the prettiest or cleanest at this point, mainly because the Brazos River dumps into the Gulf a couple miles from there. What it has that places like Pensacola or Galveston don't - quiet. Even on a weekend in summer not many people loiter there - most head several miles further south to the the county park at Quintana. But at what once
Velasco, other than a smattering of houses, it's just beach. Perhaps a few fisherdudes in the distance, and always shrimp boats on the horizon, but the beach itself is populated by little more than mosquitos. From how peaceful it naturally is there, one might never have guessed, but way back when Dick Clark was in high school, a
battle relating to Texas independence was fought there. Mmm, history.
So is it summer yet? Almost summer? Not Quite Summer? Summer Summer? Super Summer? Still Summer? Any of the variations on that season, I'll take it... so long as it's not cold.